How can I return an item which has been damaged in transit?
If your order or part of your order needs to be returned due to damage in transit, please contact us as soon as possible (WITHIN 1 DAY OF RECEIPT OF GOODS) and we will arrange a suitable date and time to collect the piece. The item will need to be wrapped in the original packaging. (Please note: our delivery service cannot collect and return it to us without this original external packaging). If the original packaging is not available we cannot accept returns due to the extremely fragile nature of our products. This is consistent with our in-store terms and conditions.
Any items accepted for return must be sent back in original packaging and condition. We do not accept returns for items which are due to your misjudgement or if it is the wrong item ordered.
If you wish us to give you a quote for this please send us an e-mail, otherwise return the goods to:
Unit 4
Katherine Park
Katherine Street
Telephone: 01592 643227
If you are unhappy with the goods received we will refund them if they are sent back at the customer's expense in new resaleable condition within 7 working days along with the original receipt. We will not accept orders where the original packaging is not intact and has been removed. We also cannot accept returns where the item has been used or hung on the wall.
Cancellations: Orders cancelled same working day will not incur any administration charge however, orders cancelled after this time will incur a 2.5% charge to cover any administration costs, charges and fees. All cancellations must be made in writing/email.
Any refunds will be issued within 14 working days once we have received the goods and checked the packaging and contents. This refund only includes the total of goods sent not the delivery charge.
Any goods with manufacturing faults on arrival will be replaced or refunded free of charge.
This does not affect your statutory rights.